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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Trade in Jail

Prisoners still use the barter system to trade items while behind bars. Many jails do have commissaries where inmates can get many of the things that they can outside of prison. As long as they have money in their accounts they can purchase almost anything from personal hygiene items to Converse shoes. Sometimes these items are used later to trade for other items the inmate might not be able to get at the commissary.

There are items that are not allowed in prisons that are the most value in trade such as drugs and recently cell phones. Cell phones allow inmates to continue criminal acts while still in prison, harass witnesses, and even plan prison escapes. In 2008, 2,800 cell phones were confiscated from inmates in California alone. Inmates are making thousands of calls to people inside and outside of prison. There are laws that are trying to be passed that would allow jails to use cell phone jammers to stop inmates from using cell phones while still in prison.


joekauffman said...

Once in jail there should be no privileges besides a bed and 3 edible meals. There should be no question about jamming cell phone signals from with in the prison, there is not reason why this should be a debate. I am a firm believer that if you commit the crime you lose any rights you may think you have. Prisons have become more of a resort for the scum of the world. Sure some people who go to jail havent committed the worst of crimes but they still are convicted felons and that is enough for me to say you need no rights, no extra goodies, no converse shoes, and certainly no cell phone access.

Rick said...

I think Joe was a little harsh. i know alot of people who went to prison for simply defending their property after being threatened and did time for keeping another family member safe. i think its all about the crime, if you are a threat then yes keep the rights next to zero but for inmates who really are "innocent' should still be given certain amenities and rights.

Monica Guimaraes said...

That makes sense of no cell phones. They shouldn't have anything. That's the consequence of a crime. If jail is about the same as being out in the world, than why have it? Sometimes i question the rules we have and this one, like having privileges is a little unnecessary. I do understand, however, that good behavior should get benefits to those who deserve it.

mesche said...

This seems to be a major problem in prisons. These people should not have access to such luxuries. It is very vital to the idea of solitary confinement that these convicts do not have such accessibilities. The enforcement of these acts needs to be elevated to reduce trades between inmates.

sandra bonner said...

Once again technology can be used for good and for bad. The cell phone is one of the greatest invention that has enhanced our lives, but unfortunately it is being used for crime. Therfore our society must enforced laws that will protect our society from the harmful effects of this great invention.