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Thursday, March 24, 2011

The most popular retail establishments

The most widespread places for making purchases have become supermarkets, department stores, and hypermarkets in the contemporary world. They are very similar since these stores are retail establishments that occupy the big area and contain a variety of products that should satisfy people’s needs. At the same time, there are some differences between them. Supermarkets propose a great range of groceries while department stores offer a wide array of consumer’s personal goods of different categories. Hypermarkets are the combination of supermarkets and department stores.
An excellent example of hypermarket is Wal-Mart Supercenter that leads the country in sales, with greater than 15% share in 75 main markets. Its average size is around 197,000 square feet. This store sells variety of non-grocery products as well as baked goods, frozen foods, meat and poultry, and fresh seafood. Many Wal-Mart Supercenters also have a pharmacy, pet shop, portrait studio, optical center, and numerous nook shops, such as video rental stores, hair and nail salons, and phone stores. Thus, when a person goes to Wal-Mart, he can obtain pretty much everything in one place. As Wal-Mart offers reasonable prices, a customer does not have to worry about costs and can obtain a great amount of necessary products there. He also does not have to travel to different shops and locations and can save time and money on gas. Thus, convenience and low costs attract many customers, and this makes hypermarkets and other big stores profitable.


Joselito said...

Yes the super trend. First it was supersize my meal, supersize my car ,and now supersize my markets. Everybody wants everything bigger for the convenience. That is what super wal-mart is: convenient. It has a grocery market and a goods store all in one. I see something wrong though. What happens to the local stores around when a super-walmart comes to town? The business goes down for them and goes to wal-mart. Walmart has more money than God. That is scary.

joekauffman said...

I agree in part with Joselito, yes Walmart does bring down local small business, but it also creates hundreds of jobs. The jobs may not be the greatest paying, but in todays economy, it is better than the alternative, no job! We are a culture of fast paced, make it bigger and faster, right now, ten minutes ago. Ever since the creation of this great nation we have been that way, and will always continue to grow in such a fashion.

Carm said...

The phenomenom that is WalMart is an actual product of our society and lifestyle. The currently stagnant economy demands a retailer to provide a huge variety of bulk products at low prices. Today's consumer needs to spend less money, has only enough time to shop in one place, and wants it be very convenient to their work and home. WalMart pretty much fills the bill for these requirements, and that is the reason that they're taking over the world.

Cody said...

Only problem about walmart is it hurts the little buinesses that drive America and keep jobs. I know walmart employs alot for their 200,000 sqare ft location but other buisness are hurting. I will admit sometime i do shop but thats because they have some cheap items and good selection. Walmart creates a town. They could bulit one in a field and it would attract buinesses!

SW said...

WalMart has been campaigning very heavy, to get into New York City. Wal Mart pushes small businesses out of business.

I like Wal Mart as a store to shop in, but they have terrible business practices. WalMart has a practice of not promoting women, and standardly paying them less than the males they work with.

Have you ever visited a Wal Mart in the South? A Super Was Mart outside Myrtle Beach, South Carolina is open twenty four hours, has aisles of beer and Smirnoff Ices. and is a hang out/ party spot for locals. Hooters girls were hanging out in the parking lot, and high school age teens were lounging on the pattio furniture. Very interesting. Wal Mart is definitely a part of out culture.