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Thursday, March 3, 2011


People are always trying to find new ways and better ways to transport goods across long distances.  And the invention of the airplane made this possible.  The first airplanes could only carry a single person, but as technology evolved so did the airplane.  The first large planes were used to carry equipment to soldiers during war but soon they were used to transport goods to other countries and helped bring the world closer through trade.  Here is a video of some of the first flights, I’m sure the Wright brothers never imagined planes would be as big as they are today:


Craig Williams said...

I think airplanes are the best way to transport anything. Its safer to fly than to drive or transport by water. From Pennsylvania, it usually takes two or three days to drive to Florida. If you fly to Florida, it only takes three hours!
Flying is the way to go.

maryreday said...

Beth, airplanes definitely show how science has evolved. The movie was amazing showing how the first planes looked. Now we have jumbo jets that hold numerous people and easily fly around the world. This was a very informative post. Mary Ann Reday.

silvio said...

Airplanes really do connect the world. Imagine not having any air travel, how would you visit your brother who lives in California? You would have a long drive to say the least. It's by far the safest way to travel, your chances of a car accident are much higher than flying in a plane and having any kind of problem.

Kathy said...

Neat video! It is amazing how far we've advanced with planes. The science of changing how we travel has improved greatly. I have never flown on a plane, would love to very soon though.

bshopmngr said...

The technology of planes is so impressive. How can we create something with that mush power and thrust to lift a hundred poeple in the air and move them 400 miles an hour or faster, and then charge for a re-booking fee. The Wright Brothers would be pissed.

You cannot have international business at the speed and demand of customers today without planes. huge boats are also impressive but not as cost effective and efficient as plane travel.

Price said...
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Emanuel said...

Airplanes have changed humanity in multiple ways. Societies all over the world can blend and travel all over the globe. Goods can ship from almost anywhere and be on the other side of the globe tomorrow. Companies such as UPS and Fed Ex have built their entire business models on air traffic. The safety, reliability, and speed of air travel have had the biggest effect on business. From my office I can order an item online from anywhere in the US and have it on my desk tomorrow morning because of the efficiency of shipping companies and the speed of air shipment.