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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Traveling By Land

     Moving of goods for trade in the Middle Ages was a long and tedious task.  It is not like today where we have machines to take us anywhere.  To travel by land people could use working animals, such as horses, camels, and mules, to pull carriages or carry the goods.  Some might even travel by foot.  There were towns and inns along the routes for travelers to rest and sell their goods.
     Some roads were paved with cobblestones from the Roman Empire but these roads were often full of potholes as peasants would take the stones to patch up their homes.  And the roads that were made of dirt would turn into a mud river when it rained.  Travel in the Middle Ages was hard and land travel was mostly used for smaller loads of goods.

1 comment:

Will said...

I find it amazing how much traveling has changed in the long time of humanity. It's crazy thinking that we used to travel by FOOT to a lot of places or use animals to bring us from place to place. Nowadays we just get in a car most of the time and have no real contact with nature since we are just in contact with technology most of the time.