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Sunday, February 6, 2011


This video shows that barter was the first step in the trade evolution


silvio said...

Amazing how things have changed so much and then not so much? Craigslist in many ways is a barter system. Check it out and you'll find people trading services for certain goods and the other way around. I found a guy looking to have his garage painted in exchange for a pair of Bose 901 speakers. They were 1987 models and mint condition.

maryreday said...

Maryna I really like your video about bartering. Bartering still goes on today. When you buy a car you barter with the salesman, and when you buy a house you barter with the owners of the house in order to get a lower price. Bartering still has a purpose in present society as it did in the past. Liked your post. Mary Ann Reday.

Jeanne said...

This was such a cute video. Very informative on how bartering has evolved and what were some of the different things were used. Many people still barter the old fashion way with this for that, especially in some of the older and rural communities. Often those that are very poor will give livestock (chickens, eggs) as payment for services rendered. Its all about what is acceptable in those communities.

Emanuel said...

Cute video, learned a little about how bartering has evolved. It's amazing how far we have come. Our society could not function today if we still relied on bartering for all goods and services. How would you operate a capitalistic business in such an environment. Just shows how important the invention of money was to business.

Erik Fickner said...

the system of bartering one day was the only way to do trade, but if done in todays world someone might just laugh at you. but back in the day it was the man way to get things, if someone had something you wanted you would trade them, but today all they want is money or something that would be better.